It never ceases to amaze me how people go about purchasing their home, getting financing, handling title, and even getting their appraisals. Most will just trust those who they are working with, friends, family, or even their boss at work.
The video below is a marketing piece put out by the union I am again a proud member of, the Allied Pilots Association. Before you think I am simply pushing our agenda as pilots, look at it in a different way. Look at the video, granted it is a somewhat biased look, and see how people from both sides push their own agenda, trying to get their way. Then look at who you would likely trust with the decisions affecting your life.
(video produced by the Allied Pilots Association)
Take a look at what airline pilots do, what has been happening over the last five years, and answer the question at the end, "who do you trust?" I would venture to guess I would say you answered "the pilots", but that is for you to decide.
Why do I say the pilots? Yes, I am one, but it is based on the fact that every time you step into an airplane, you are putting your lives in their hands. Now that is trust.
The same thoughts you may have had when watching the video and answering the question can be taken over to the real estate, or any other transaction, for that matter. Who are you trusting to get your advice?
Do you trust those which do the work day in and day out, proving their expertise or do you simply take the referrer's word for it? Or even worse, simply find a home and lender, etc. on the Internet through a simple search engine website, where "lender's compete"? You need to understand the true cost of seeking "lowest rates and fees" versus getting the best advice.