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January 28, 2008


Sean Purcell

Don't consider it caving in really, just recognizing reality. As much as I agree with you regarding his recent shenanigans, we have to give him his due for building such a successful company. I have said before (usually when I am holding Countrywide up to the pillory) that they arguably did more to help the American homeowner than any other company.

It is too bad they got mixed up with all those neg-ams, which I believe to be the real cause of their impending doom and the writing on the wall that the insiders, at least, are reading.

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About Author

  • Robert D. Ashby
    was the first Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist in the state of Florida. He is also the owner of Solid Rock Mortgage Corporation in Pembroke Pines, FL and a pilot for American Airlines.


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